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Some Olives Grown in Turkey (O/ea europaea L.) Genetic and Biological Character of Varieties...

A large number of olives (O/ea europaea L) grown in Anatolia that have not yet been characterized (morphological and biological properties).) there is a variety. Some of them are identified by morphological and biological characteristics, but still show some differences depending on unknown genotypic or phenotypic reasons.

Doç. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya
Olive Academy

genetic diversity studies were conducted using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique in 10 olive varieties (Ayvalık, Derik Halhali, Domat, Gemlik, Kilis Yağlik, Manzanilla, Memecik, Nizip Yağlik, Sarı Ulak and Rabbit , Yüreği). The Turkish Olive Germplasm Bank of the Olive Research Institute in Izmir, Turkey. The analysis of PCR Products was carried out using simple matching coefficient and UPGMA clustering. Primers were identified and used in combination to distinguish different varieties. The Deciency of RAPD models has shown the biological diversity between the varieties. Some pomological and biochemical analyses have also been performed to support the results of genetic variability. Derik Halkhali showed great differences Decently between the varieties according to genetic and biochemical results.


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TARIM HAYVANCILIK VE GIDA TEKNOKENTİ Ankara Üniversitesi Teknokent Ek Alanı (Tarım, Hayvancılık ve Gıda Merkezi)Kalaba Mah. Kütükçü Alibey Cad. No: 2, A Blok 2. Kat İç Kapı No: 213/B Keçiören / ANKARA

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