Column by Ahmet Tezcan 25 August 2021

Why am I talking about olive oil, the fluid of life, the fluid of power, the elixir of health?
Ankara University is 450 kilometres away from the nearest olive tree, but after the olive studies it started in 1986, look what has happened and these have happened for the FIRST TIME:
Gene resources were brought into the economy with the mobile olive oil factory project in both R&D and commercial terms.
International Olive Growing Symposium (ISHS-5th International Olive Growing Symposium) was organised.
Consultant to the Turkish Delegation of the International Olive Council and Corporate Member of the National Olive and Olive Oil Council.
A 6-part TRT documentary on olive growing was prepared. (
EU Olive Growing project support was received.
Expert consultancy services were provided to the Turkish Grand National Assembly Olive Research Commission.
For the first time, it had a TEKNOKENT company working only on olives.
Numerous radio and TV programmes, on-line or face-to-face training activities related to olive cultivation.
It is not over...
Ankara Agriculture, which started as the Higher Agricultural Institute and has been carrying out important works since 1948, has brought our country 4 international awards when it came into contact with olive oil.
It is a virtue to appreciate those who work, this is a virtue, and it gives enthusiasm, speed and honour to those who work. Not to mention the academic studies, domestic and international projects and published articles of the Department of Horticulture-which Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mücahit Taha Özkaya has contributed a lot to-about olives! In summary, in scientific terms, Ankara University has made serious contributions to our olive cultivation and has shown that it is the closest university to all provinces in this sense. Now I will give a specific example.
A businessman came from Azerbaijan, which we call "two states and one nation"; Nurlan Yusufoğlu. He is the founder and president of the Azerbaijan Cultural Association. When he came into contact with Ankara University, i.e. Mücahit Hoca, he became one of those who set his heart on olive cultivation in Turkey. He started olive farming in Asos Behramkale, where the famous philosopher Aristotlefounded a school, and won 4 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS in Turkey in the field of tasting with olive oil produced with "Zero Waste" advanced technology. Ankara Ziraat academics, investors and employees also deserved thanks.
Beyond the kitchen, I think olive oil is a medicine. Apply raw olive oil on your skin, face, if you have a wound, you will heal, beautify and find healing. I believe in this as I do. Otherwise, why else would olive oil be mentioned in all holy books, especially in the Holy Qur'an!
By the way, have you ever tasted "Olive Oil Ice Cream"! That will be the subject of another article. Greetings and love to olive friends and Azerbaijan.